Purposes and Goals

An important goal of Master Of My Dream and the first purpose and goal of this website is to create a Universal World Forum through which the world's voices between violence and silence from the "me that hides down deep within us all" can be heard.

Within every one of us, we have so many sides to who we truly are within our hearts, souls and minds. 

We must learn to embrace and appreciate all that we each are and to share it with the world. 

Through music, art, literature, dreams, poetry, separate realities and worlds visited and some yet to be discovered and explored. This website will help all of us work together, learn and create together.

Through this website and the overall Master Of My Dream plan, we will showcase dreams, ideas, music and stories from people and children of all ages from all around the world and the Universe. Each and every one of us who wants to participate . . . from this world and any other worlds we may discover in our travels of tracing back to the me that hides down deep within us all.

The many songs, dreams, stories and worlds that will soon be here for us all to experience will show us how different and diverse and muliti-faceted we each and all are. 

One step at a time, we will learn that each and every one of us can make a difference and change the world for the better . . . on personal, national, international and even universal levels.  We can make these changes and we can create the amazing worlds of our own dreams by sharing our hopes and dreams, by working together, and by knowing that there is no limit to all that we can do when we learn that we have the power to be just who we are! And this will give us the ultimate power to become the Masters of our Dream and of all of our dreams yet to be!

Stay tuned for more as we discover it all together, and for now, just sit back and enjoy the music and feel free to dream and enjoy. There is so much to do and thankfully, we have so much time and love to help us achieve it!

Keep checking back to be part of Master of my Dream as we work together to bring our dreams to life. Go to "Be a part of Master Of My Dream" to see all the ways you can contribute and be part of the many songs, stories, etc.

And Always Remember:
Individually We are One Drop, but Together We are an Ocean!                           
We are at a very special place in time
where there is no limit
to the reach of a heart
and to the scope of a mind!

Too often we have dreamed our dreams in silence
too often our message went unheard.
But now, we're going to follow the urge
to use action, music and words
to make our message heard!

Time will be a function of achievement, love and fun
Rather than a small reprieve
from catastrophes as yet to be
and wars already gone and done

We'll all take our place;
dance, smile and embrace,
We'll all take our place
in the sun!